Media Information Literacy

These comic books were created as part of a campaign for Children’s Media Information Literacy which included a curriculum, trainings, school visits and dramatic readings of the stories. The comics were sent out to schools in Islamabad and used in teacher’s trainings for sustainability.

Badshah Ka Raaz

This is a story of three rabbits who find out some horrifying news about King Lion on Whatsapp while playing on their mother’s phone. They set out to confirm this news through various sources like the local news paper, their school professor and the Library instead of believing the message entirely. They find that the message indeed was fake news and celebrate their smart choice seeking verification.

Sarah Ki Hoshyaari

This is a story about young Sarah who desperately wants to attend a school party but is not allowed in without a COVID Vaccine. Her parents are reluctant after they receive some official-looking reports on the adverse impacts of vaccine on young girls. In rebellion, Sara creates some fake documents herself and sends them to her mother. One document says, “Children will now be allowed to have Ice Cream for Dinner.” Her parents realise that documents received through social media are not always accurate and can not be relied on since they spread misinformation.


This is an action-packed tale of the Kingdom of Aeramos where an evil villain captures the King and plans to spread toxic waste in the entire Kingdom. As the people of Aeramos start to get fataly sick , Princess Aruna rushes to rescue her father and save the Kingdom from toxic pollution.


I scripted and sketched this comic book as a project under countering water pollution and the problem of toxic waste in oceans. It is entirely drawn and coloured by hand.